Film Fest Review for H2N: BAMCinemafest, Selected Shorts
"This short is an experimental exploration of identity with Reeder peeking behind the closed doors of teen girl bedrooms to reveal the almost supernatural strangeness beating in the big hearts of every training bra clad chest." - on Blood Below the Skin, dir. Jennifer Reeder
Director & craftsman Joe Callender’s first feature was a near comedy about the Rwandan genocide. His next short was a sweetly dark look at the deadly affliction of Type one diabetes. His latest piece is about Gary, a Vietnam war vet who is kind of a total creep.-on Gary Has an AIDS Scare, dir. Joe Callender
These women embody these roles with such vigorous skill and tenderness, loudly pointing out just how underutilized good acting is in contemporary narrative filmmaking. - on Actresses, dir. Jeremy Hersh
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