Sunday, January 2, 2011

A Jug Of Winters Light

Today I spent the day dismantling the shards of architecture that were left behind from our film set in the yard. The enormous walls we constructed have been falling down in the sever winter weather so I went about unscrewing the fallen grid pieces, snipping the tangled yards of airplane wire (that acted as our makeshift solar system & angel suspension flying mechanism) and cutting support pipe.

That's right, I cut a 2inch iron pipe with a hacksaw all by myself after modern power tools were defeated by the mighty metal! I felt like superwoman! Now I just feel sore. At least the view from our yard (pictured) is subtley beautiful in this season and the mild temperatures made it all the more pleasant! Cleaning the yard up is still kind of sad but I feel it is also like painting over a canvas, making a big wide open space dying to be filled again! And I'm sure it will take no time for Brent to do just that....or, maybe it is my turn to construct some huge, towering thing of beauty? Until then, deconstructing....