Saturday, March 6, 2010

we make car parts

Remember when I was saying how we couldn't get cheap, used cars out here? Yeah...we still can't. This means that we had put away our dream of older model cars and go for the dilapidated newer, uglier cars we keep in our own yard. Yes. We are guilty of the lawn car just as much as the next rural Pennsylvanian! The only difference with us is we tried really hard to get these cars off of our lawn! Both need some minor repair to run (which Brent  is seen working on in the below photo in preparation for the car crash we are filming this Monday) and even more repair to be legally on the road (which we definitely can't afford to/didn't do). At one point we even had a guy who was set to come and take one of the cars ("Hey guys! You know how to fix a car? Free Car! Over Here!") but he never showed up! On three different occasions! Again, I really don't get what system the car market is running on out here....maybe it's running on car parts? Let the smashing begin!